Tokyopop to Restructure - Update

posté à par Egan Loo
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Staffers in production, editorial, design, sales, marketing, PR affected

ANN has confirmed that production manager, manga editor, copy editor, graphic designer, sales, marketing, and public relations positions were cut during manga publisher Tokyopop's restructuring this week. The design and editorial departments bore most of the brunt from the 39 layoffs. Two editors have posted on ANN's forums to report that they were among those affected. However, Tokyopop was listing open positions for a director of IT and a senior engineering manager as recently as last week.

Publishers Weekly noted that Tokyopop will "pullout as a major exhibitor at the San Diego Comic-Con International" in July, although both Del Rey and Viz Media are scheduled to exhibit there. Del Rey, Tokyopop, and Viz Media did not have Exhibit Hall booths at Anime Expo in 2007, and none of them are listed on Anime Expo's roster of exhibitors for this year. Publishers Weekly's The Beat, MangaBlog, Icarus Publishing (link contains explicitly sexual images), ComicsReporter, and Comics Worth Reading have links to reactions to the news.

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