Go! Adds Cool Idols, Angel's Coffin, Crown, Bound Beauty (Updated)

posté à par Egan Loo
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At its Anime Expo 2008 panel on Saturday morning, the North American publisher Go! Comi announced its licenses for the following Japanese manga titles:

Days of Cool Idols

Angel's Coffin
By You Higuri

By You Higuri (art) and Shinji Wada (story)

Bound Beauty (Shibariya Komachi)
By Mick Takeuchi

(Several of these titles have already been listed by retailers.)

Go! Comi also previewed Dragon Academy, the first episode of the original Oplay software effort inspired by the romance simulation games and visual novels of Japan. The story will be released in online, downloadable episodes for "around or below US$10.00."

Update: Images added.

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