Anime Film Screening Series to Launch in USA Next Month

posté à par Mikhail Koulikov
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'Anime Masterpieces' events to include film showings, panels, guests

New York City-based film, media, and special events production company Gorgeous Entertainment has launched Anime Masterpieces, a series of anime film screenings and panels that it is selling to colleges and other institutions around the United States. Each event will consist of an introduction, the film itself, and a roundtable discussion featuring scholars and film critics. If the host institutions' budgets permit, Gorgeous Entertainment will also invite various anime directors to travel to the United States and speak on the panels. Study guides are available as options.

Anime Masterpieces will premiere on September 27 at the Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley. Isao Takahata and Studio Ghibli's Grave of the Fireflies will be the featured movie, while Japanese popular culture scholars Susan Napier, Ian Condry, and Roland Kelts, along with author and translator Frederik L. Schodt, will take part in the subsequent panel discussion. The program's East Coast premiere will take place on October 1 in Boston. In addition to the four guests participating in the Berkeley presentation, Gorgeous has also contracted with Brian Ruh, the author of Stray Dog of Anime: The Films of Mamoru Oshii and editor of, and Los Angeles Times film critic Charles Solomon to lend their expertise to the events. The host institutions can choose to add Michael Arias and Studio 4°C's Tekkonkinkreet film to their events, with other options to be added in the future.

Image ©1988 Akiyuki Nosaka/Shinchosha Co.

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