Diamond Distributor Removes Some Digital Manga Titles

posté à par Egan Loo
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Diamond often reschedules temporarily "cancelled" titles at a later date

The Publishers Weekly trade magazine's The Beat blog notes that the following Digital Manga Publishing titles have been removed from Diamond Comic Distributors' current order form:

All You Need is Love
Knights volume 2
Physical Attraction
Dry Heat
Enchanter volume 10
Temperature Rising
Intriguing Secrets
Kabuki volume 2: Red
Right Here, Right Now
Sunflower volume 2

These cancellations do not neccessarily indicate that these books will be never released; many publishers remove titles from Diamond's order forms so they can reschedule their titles at a later date. Digital Manga Publishing has already confirmed that it reduced its production staff this year and would be slowing down, but not permanently cancelling, its release of titles.

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