Hetalia - Axis Powers Pasta Sauces Offered in Japan

posté à par Egan Loo
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Hetalian Vongole Tomato Sauce, Meat Sauce come with random stickers

Not-So-Daily Link of 2008 VI: Here is one of the stories that fell through the cracks in 2008.

The website for the anime version of Hidekaz Himaruya's Hetalia - Axis Powers comedy manga announced last August that it is offering official Hetalian Pasta Sauces. The pasta sauces come in two flavors: Hetalian Vongole Tomato Sauce and Hetalian Meat Sauce. Each flavor includes one of four random character sticker seals, for a total of eight different seals. The "cynical gag" story mainly recounts the era between World War I and World War II, with the stereotypical characteristics of each country or region (particularly northern Italy) anthropomorphized as (mostly) bishōnen characters. One of the main characters, Italia Veneziano, is best known for being in love with pasta and women.

Image © 2008 Himaruya Hidekaz/Gentosha Comics Inc. © 2008 Himaruya Hidekaz, Gentosha Comics Inc./Hetalia Production Committee

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