Right Stuf Licenses Maria Watches Over Us Season 4

posté à par Egan Loo
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4th Maria-sama ga Miteru high school series just debuted in Japan last month

The North American anime distributor Right Stuf and its Nozomi Entertainment production arm have announced their license for the fourth season of the Maria Watches Over Us (Maria-sama ga Miteru) anime. Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th Season adapts Oyuki Konno and Reine Hibiki's light novels about the personal relationships within the student body of Lillian Girls' Academy. It just began airing in Japan last month.

Right Stuf's official website for Maria Watches Over Us has posted the Japanese trailer for the fourth season. Right Stuf will announce the North American release date in the future.

Image © Oyuki Konno/Shueisha, Yamayūrikai 03

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