ToHeart2 adplus Promo Video Posted Online

posté à par Egan Loo
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1st volume of sequel based on AQUAPLUS visual novel ships in Japan this month

The channel on the Yahoo! Japan website has begun streaming a new 52-second promotional video for "Hajimete no O-tsukai," the first volume of the ToHeart2 adplus anime sequel. The ToHeart2 adplus and earlier ToHeart2ad anime spinoffs are based on the ToHeart2 television and video anime series, which in turn are based on the ToHeart2 PlayStation 2 visual novel software by AQUAPLUS. The first volume of ToHeart2 adplus will ship in Japan on April 24. North America's Right Stuf released the first To Heart television anime series, which is based on the original visual novel of the same name.

Source: Saishin Anime Jōhō

Image © 2009 AQUAPLUS/TH2Vad Works

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