Funimation's Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino- OAV DVD Listed (Updated)

posté à par Egan Loo
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2-episode DVD sequel to ship on December 1 along with 1st TV series on BD

The Anime Corner Store, an online retailer, reports that Funimation is releasing the two-episode Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino- original anime video (OAV) project on one DVD in North America on December 1. Hiroshi Ishiodori and Rei Mano directed this sequel to their Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino- television series. The television series itself is a followup to the first anime adaptation of Yu Aida's Gunslinger Girl manga, which follows a group of cyborg girls working as government assassins.

Funimation already licensed and released the first Gunslinger Girl television anime series and the Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino- television series. The first series will be re-issued on Blu-ray Disc on December 1 as well. ADV Manga published Aida's original Gunslinger Girl manga.

Update: Funimation has confirmed the releases and added that the Blu-ray Disc version of Il Teatrino Season 2 will ship in February.

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