Shoujo Byou's Anime Music Video DVD Confirmed

posté à par Egan Loo
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Bandai's Lantis to bundle DVD with dōjin musical group's major debut CD single

Bandai's Lantis music label has confirmed on Wednesday that the Shoujo Byou (Girl Disease) dōjin musical group's Sōhaku Shisuferia CD single will include a music video DVD with original animation. Shoujo Byou has been self-publishing its symphonic rock-influenced music until now, so the December 23 three-song CD will be its major label debut.

Kana Hanazawa will voice the title character, the witch Shisuferia. Aki Toyosaki (Shiruera), Tetsuya Kakihara (boy), and Miyuki Sawashiro (Sekusarisu) round out the cast. Alice From Japan, a production studio that has done work for Natsu no Ame, Lucky Dog 1, Ashita no Nanami ni Au tame ni, Haru-iro Ouse, and other games, is producing the music video DVD. The limited first edition of the CD/DVD bundle will include a special booklet.

Image © Shoujo Byou

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