Leiji Matsumoto, Queen's Music Video Screenshots Posted (Updated)

posté à par Egan Loo
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Koshika anime from Yamato creator to be posted iTunes in Japan in January

The official Japanese website for the British rock band Queen has posted screenshots from the "Bohemian Rhapsody" music video that manga and anime pioneer Leiji Matsumoto (Space Battleship Yamato, Captain Harlock, Queen Millennia) produced.

THINK Corporation (Anime Innovation Tokyo's Cencoroll) planned and produced the music video in collaboration with Matsumoto. Part of the "Bohemian Rhapsody ~feat. Leiji Matsumoto" video was unveiled on Tuesday — the 18th anniversary of former Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury's passing — in special events in Tokyo and Osaka. The full video will then be available on Japanese mobile phone distribution sites on December 23. Apple's iTunes Store in Japan will offer the video on January 20.

The video combines Queen's signature song "Bohemian Rhapsody" with concepts from Out of Galaxy Koshika (pictured at left), the newest manga from Matsumoto and Sunsoft. The manga's story begins in Tokyo on September 9, 2099. A dimensional ship, under the command of a beautiful woman named Yō Haguro, launches into space to save Earth from imminent annihilation. A young boy named Hajime Umino finds himself coming aboard for the adventure that unfolds. Secrets are revealed about Hajime and a silver cat pendant with an unknown power.

Matsumoto and the Toei Animation studio already collaborated with another musical group, Daft Punk, on a 2003 film called INTERSTELLA 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. Sunsoft producer Tomohiro Seki had revealed in April that his company had anime plans for Koshika.


Images © 2009 Leiji Matsumoto © 2009 Sunsoft Koshika® © 2009 Think

Update: The Comic Natalie website posted still more screenshots from the music video.

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