Yen to Print 350K of Twilight Graphic Novel in March (Update 2)

posté à par Egan Loo
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1st of 2 volumes by manhwa artist Young Kim to be monochrome with some color inserts

Yen Press will launch the graphic novel adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight vampire novel by manhwa artist Young Kim on March 16. The graphic novel will have a first printing of 350,000 copies. The novel is being adapted into two volumes, although the second volume has yet to be scheduled. Kim's artwork is primarily in black and white, but there will be color insert pages in the volumes.

Entertainment Weekly magazine has posted a sample page of the characters Bella and Edward's encounter in biology lab and an excerpt from an interview with Meyer. This Friday's issue of the magazine will contain a ten-page excerpt from the graphic novel and the full interview.

In November, Evangelion character designer/manga creator Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Metal Gear game franhise creator Hideo Kojima, and Sasameke manga creator Ryuji Gotsubo judged a Twilight art contest in Japan. Gotsubo illustrated the Japanese edition of the Twilight novels, and according to the contest's sponsor pixiv, the judges are "huge fans" of the Twilight series.

Source: Publishers Weekly

Update: More background information added.

Update 2: As of January 21, the first volume's Sales Rank is #4 in the Books section.

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