Marvel Anime to Run on G4 in the United States in 2011 (Update 4)

posté à par Egan Loo
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Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men, Blade from Madhouse anime studio

Jeph Loeb, Executive Vice President, Head of Television of Marvel, has confirmed at the Iron Man Anime panel in Comic-Con International on Friday that the four Marvel Anime television series will launch in the United States on the G4 television network in 2011. The four anime series are Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men, and Blade. The first episode of the Iron Man anime, "Enter Iron Man," features the characters Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, as well as new Japanese characters and the mass-produced Iron Man Dio suits. The Wolverine anime will feature the characters Wolverine, Mariko Yashida, Omega Red, and Yukio.

Madhouse Chief Creative Officer Masao Maruyama and John Rieber (Senior Vice President, Programming and Production, G4) appeared at the panel with Loeb. Kristin Adams, a host and correspondent at G4, said that the network is hoping to launch the Iron Man anime series in spring of 2011. Rieber added that the other anime series will be run "as soon as they're ready." While he noted that G4 has shown subtitled programming in the past, Rieber did not commit to showing the anime with subtitles.

Update: More background information added.

Update 2: Rieber told ANN that since G4 Canada is a separate network from G4 in the United States, it will not necessarily run the Marvel Anime projects. G4 plans to run Wolverine after Iron Man; whether X-Men or Blade will follow Wolverine will depend on Madhouse's production schedule.

Update 3: The Iron-Man Anime will premiere in Japan on the Animax television channel on Friday, October 1 at 10:00 p.m.

Update 4: G4 has posted a promotional video of the Iron Man series. Thanks, PBsallad.

Image © 2010 Marvel Anime Partners

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