God Eater Burst Game's Anime Footage Made by ufotable

posté à par Egan Loo
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Bandai Namco's God Eater action game update to ship in Japan in October, in U.S. in 2011

The anime studio ufotable (Kara no Kyoukai, Manabi Straight!) has confirmed on Thursday that it produced the "Burst Mix" opening animation footage for God Eater Burst, the action game that Bandai Namco Games will release for the Sony PSP system in Japan on October 28. The anime studio had previously created an animated prologue for the first God Eater game; God Eater Burst is the updated, enhanced version of that earlier game.

Bandai Namco Games is streaming the two latest God Eater Burst promotional videos from this week's Tokyo Game Show on its website and on its YouTube channel. The company has slated the game for a North American release next year.

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