Bakemonogatari's Shinbo, Phantom's Urobuchi Launch New Anime

posté à par Egan Loo
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Aniplex rep confirms MBS ad revealing Shaft anime with Hidamari Sketch's Ume Aoki

The Aniplex representative "Jingū" confirmed on the Anime Maker Ōdan Sendenman Blog on Friday that the production company is launching an original animation project. The MBS station had just aired a commercial for the project during Thursday's showing of the togainu no chi - Bloody Curs- anime.

According to the Aniplex representative, Akiyuki Shinbo (Bakemonogatari, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, Hidamari Sketch, Arakawa Under the Bridge) is directing at the anime studio Shaft. Gen Urobuchi (Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, Blassreiter, Fate/Zero & Black Lagoon novels) of the multimedia studio Nitroplus is writing the scenario, and Ume Aoki (Hidamari Sketch) is drawing the original characters designs.

The Aniplex representative added that more information about the project will be revealed in future commercials that will run every week during togainu no chi.

In a separate development, advertising for the seventh volume of Minari Endo's Maria Holic manga has revealed that Shinbo and SHAFT are working on the second television anime season of Maria Holic.

[Via Moe Otanews Sokuhō]

Update: More background information and images added.

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