Section23 Adds Shin Koihime†Musō & Otome Tairan, AkaSaka (Update 4)

posté à par Gia Manry
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Shin Koihime Musō, Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka in March; Otome Tairan in May

The North American anime distributor Section23 Films has announced its March slate, which includes the March 1 DVD release of the English-subtitled Shin Koihime Musō Complete Collection and the March 8 DVD release of the subtitled Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka Complete Collection. It also confirmed that its Guin Saga release will have English dubbing and subtitles; the first Blu-ray and DVD collections will ship on March 29. The dubbed and subtitled Clannad film's DVD will ship on March 15, and the third Ghost Sweeper Mikami collection will ship on DVD on March 22. Sentai Film later clarified that the Shin Koihime Musō: Otome Tairan sequel anime series will ship in May.

The 2009 anime Shin Koihime Musō: Otome Tairan is based on BaseSon's adult adventure game Shin Koihime†Musō: Otome Ryōran Sangokushi Engi, itself a follow-up to the game Koihime†Muso: Doki—Otome Darake no Sangokushi ENGI. An anime adaptation of the first game was released in Japan in 2008 and was also acquired by Sentai Filmworks. The games are loosely based on the classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The same novel also inspired KOEI's game franchise of the same name, KOEI's Dynasty Warriors (Shin Sangoku Muso) spinoffs, and dozens of anime and manga of varying historical accuracy.

Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka is also based on an adult adventure game that feng developed for personal computers in 2007. The game inspired the television anime in 2008, followed by a single episode original video anime (OVA) in 2009. The story revolves around high schooler Junichi Nagase who attempts to help a young woman, Yuuhi Katagiri, but only winds up upsetting her. It is subsequently revealed that Junichi's parents have arranged his future marriage with Yuuhi, and they order the pair to date for a month in order to work out their differences.

Update: Section23 has confirmed with ANN that the Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka collection will include the 12-episode television series as well as the one-episode OVA.

Update 2: Section23 has sent ANN a corrected press release and confirmed that the title licensed for March release was Shin Koihime Musō, not Shin Koihime Musō: Otome Tairan. Section23 was revealed, however, that Otome Tairan will be released in May.

Update 3: More background information added.

Update 4: Section23 had previously announced that the Clannad film will have an English dub along with subtitles.

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