Mameshiba, New Novels Listed by Viz's Distributor

posté à par Egan Loo
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Miyabe's Ico, Mitsuse's 10 Billion Days & 100 Billion Nights, Ueda's Cage of Zeus

The North American book distributor Simon & Schuster lists the following titles from Viz Media this summer and fall. Simon & Schuster's listings do not necessarily indicate definite release plans or dates.

Mameshiba: On the Loose!
James Turner
Illustrated by Jorge Monlongo, Gemma Correll
July 5, 2011

Mameshiba Character Guide
July 5, 2011
Description: "Meet Mameshiba! The Japanese sensations are coming to the U.S. in their first-ever graphic novel series! Now that these irresistibly cute, irrepressibly curious characters have been unleashed, there's no telling where they'll turn up!"

ICO: Castle of the Mist (novel)
Miyuki Miyabe
July 19, 2011
Description: "When a boy named Ico grows long curved horns overnight, his fate has been sealed-he is to be sacrificed in the Castle in the Mist. But in the castle, Ico meets a young girl named Yorda imprisoned in its halls. Alone they will die, but together Ico and Yorda might just be able to defy their destinies and escape the magic of the castle.

"Based on the video game filmmaker Guillemo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) called a 'masterpiece,' Japan's leading fantasist Miyuki Miyabe has crafted a tale of magic, loss, and love that will never be forgotten."
[Japanese cover pictured]

Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights (novel)
Ryu Mitsuse
September 20, 2011
Description: "Ten billion days—that is how long it will take the philosopher Plato to determine the true systems of the world. One hundred billion nights—that is how far into the future he and Christ and Siddhartha Gautama will travel into the future to witness the end of the world and also its fiery birth. Named the greatest Japanese science fiction novel of all time, Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights is an epic eons in the making. Originally published in 1973, the novel was revised by the author in later years and republished in 2001."
[Japanese cover pictured]

The Cage of Zeus (novel)
Sayuri Ueda
September 20, 2011
Description: "The 'rounds' are humans with the sex organs of both genders. Artificially created to test the limits of the human body in space, they are now a minority, despised and hunted by the terrorist group Vessel of Life. Aboard Zeus I, a space station orbiting the planet Jupiter, the 'rounds' have created their own society with a radically different view of gender and of life itself. Security chief Shirosaki keeps the peace between the 'rounds' and the typically gendered 'mono,' but when a terrorist strike hits the station, the balance of power and tolerance is at risk, and an entire people is targeted for genocide."
[Japanese cover pictured]

Simon & Schuster lists the first volumes in the omnibus editions for Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Kekkaishi — all due to ship this coming June. Each omnibus volume will contain the content of three regular graphic novels. Also listed are manga titles that Viz had already announced, such as La Quinta Camera, Tenjo Tenge, The Art of Vampire Knight, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

Shōjo pioneer and science-fiction creator Moto Hagio adapted Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights into a manga from 1977 to 1978.

Source: Tanbishugi

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