4 More Manga Nominated for YALSA Teens' Graphic Novels

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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The American Library Association's (ALA's) Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) updated its list of the nominees for its 2012 Great Graphic Novels for Teens list on Monday. Four new manga titles are on the list: two from Viz, one from Fantagraphics and one from Yen Press.

Title: Genkaku Picasso Graphic Novel (GN) 1
Creator: Usamaru Furuya
Publisher: Shueisha/Viz Media
After loner Hikaru survives a deadly accident, he is cursed with the ability to either use his amazing artistic powers to help his classmates with their problems . . . or die.

Title: A Bride's Story GN 1
Creator: Kaoru Mori
Publisher: Enterbrain, Inc./Yen Press
Amir's arranged marriage with Karluk is threatened when her family decides they want her back for a more advantageous match.

Title: Kurozakuro GN 1
Creator: Yoshinori Natsume
Publisher: Shogakukan/Viz Media
After spending his life the target of every bully in his school, Mikito gets the power to fight back from a magical demon ogre. But Mikito's power comes with a steep price.

Title: Wandering Son GN 1
Creator: Takako Shimura
Japanese Publisher: Enterbrain, Inc./Fantagraphics Books
Gentle, coming-of-age story about a boy who wants to be a girl and girl who wants to be boy.

The nominations also included Barry Lyga and Colleen Doran's manga-inspired American comic Mangaman, in which a manga character falls through a "rip" and meets a real high schooler.

[Via Joy Kim]

Update: Wandering Son's image location fixed. Thanks, kyokun703 and wandering-dreamer.

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