NIS America to Release House of Five Leaves on DVD

posté à par Crystalyn Hodgkins
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12-episode Noitamina series to be released on DVD in March 2012

NIS America (NISA), the American subsidiary of the Nippon Ichi Software game company, announced on Friday that it will release the Noitamina television anime adaptation of Natsume Ono's House of Five Leaves manga on DVD next year.

The DVD collection will contain all 12 episodes with Japanese audio and English subtitles on two DVDs in addition to a hardcover art book. NIS America will release the DVD collection on March 6, 2012.

The story of House of Five Leaves follows the lives of the House of Five Leaves gang members in Edo-era Japan during the height of the shōgun's rule. In particular, the masterless samurai (rōnin) Akitsu Masanosuke becomes the bodyguard of the gang's charismatic leader Yaichi. Tomomi Mochizuki (Ocean Waves, Ranma ½) directed the 12-episode anime series at Manglobe (Samurai Champloo). Viz Media is publishing the fifth manga volume in North America this month.

The North American anime distributor Funimation simulcast the series as it aired in 2010.

Image © Natsume Ono / Shogakukan, Sarai-ya Goyou Committee

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