Beez in U.K. Says No Impact on Currently Scheduled Titles (updated)

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Beez rep says there will be no impact on scheduled titles such as Code Geass R2.

In response to the confirmation that Beez is no longer releasing new anime, ANN contacted Beez in the U.K., requesting a comment. A Beez representative told ANN that the news would have "No impact on anything that is scheduled like Code Geass 2 for now." The representative was unable to give more information at this time. How Beez's operations in the U.K. will be affected is unknown at this point.

Beez is scheduled to release an Anime Legends edition of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2: on January 30. The company's most recent DVD releases have been The Tatami Galaxy on December 26 and an Anime Legends edition of Cowboy Bebop Remix on January 2.

Update: Via Twitter @BeezEnt, the official UK twitter account for Beez Entertainment stated, "That'd be a fair assumption" when asked, "Can we assume no new titles?" Beez also tweeted, "There have been a lot of rumors kicking around re @beezent the last day or so - we'll let folks know when there's something to announce," and, "There'll be an update in due course - in the meantime at least as far as the UK is concerned titles will remain available anyway!"

Thank you to IkariGendo for the update.

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