Steamboy Art Director Kimura Makes 1st Picture Book on His Own

posté à par Egan Loo
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Shinji Kimura worked on Hipira, Tekkonkinkreet before writing Sable

Shinji Kimura, the art director of Steamboy and Tekkonkinkreet and the co-creator of the picture book Hipira: The Little Vampire with Katsuhiro Ōtomo, published his first picture book on his own, Sable, on Friday. Sable is a fantasy story about a boy lost in the alternate world inside his television.

Kimura adapted Hipira into a 3D television anime series in 2010, and the anime won the Television Animation award from the Japanese Committee of the International 3D Society at the "International 3D Awards Lumiere Japan." Dark Horse Comics released the original book in North America in 2004.

The Comic Natalie website posted a sample page from the Sable book.

Source: Comic Natalie

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