Black Lagoon BR Due July in U.K. (Updated)

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Separate Blu-ray sets for first season and Second Barrage.

Kazé UK tweeted that the first two seasons of Black Lagoon will be released on Blu-ray in July in separate sets, which will both come out at the same time.

Additionally, Kaze tweeted there will be a new DVD set of the series, containing both seasons.

As usual for Kazé UK releases, the blu-rays will be distributed by Manga Entertainment. Manga posted a packshot for what it called the "UK edition" of Season 1, although the text on the cover is in French.

Regarding the OAV sequel, Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail, Kazé UK said, "We're waiting on the US dub schedule for that, which has not been set yet."

Animated by the Madhouse studio, the hardboiled crime series follows the exploits of a team of mercenaries operating out of a lawless Thailand city. It is based on the manga by Rei Hiroe.

© Rei Hiroe / ShogakukanBlack Lagoon Production Team

Update - DVD detail added

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