Warner Sues More Alleged Counterfeit Resellers on Amazon Marketplace

posté à par Egan Loo
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Warner Bros. filed another 21 separate lawsuits against resellers of allegedly counterfeit DVDs on Amazon's Marketplace. The e-vendor platform allows independent retailers to sell items.

One of the lawsuits names several anonymous defendants together under their seller aliases, in a move similar to previous "joinder" lawsuits. In those earlier lawsuits, other companies attempted to learn the identities of anonymous defendants by asking judges to subpoena their names.

As in the July lawsuits, Amazon is not named as defendant in these cases. Amazon's main corporate website once offered a bootleg DVD box set of the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars television series in 2007, until it removed the listing after considerable feedback.

Thanks to Daniel Zelter for the news tip

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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