Lady Snowblood Plus Strike Witches S2 and Clannad After Story Released Monday

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Snowblood film double-bill released both as Blu-ray steelbook and DVD/Blu-ray double pack.

The distributor Arrow Video will release both of the 1970s live-action Lady Snowblood films on DVD/Blu-ray on Monday September 24. Adapted from the manga by Kazuo Koike (Lone Wolf and Cub), the 1973 film Lady Snowblood and its 1974 sequel Lady Snowblood: Love Song of Vengeance feature Meiko Kaji as a swordswoman seeking vengeance for the fate of her mother. The films were a strong influence on Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill.

The Lady Snowblood double-bill will be released in two editions: a DVD/Blu-ray double-pack and a limited edition Blu-ray steelbook (pictured). Both editions include a booklet on the films by Tom Mes, and an interview with Japanese cinema expert Jasper Sharp, while the films have been remastered with new subtitles.

Also on Monday, Manga Entertainment is releasing the second season of Strike Witches. It continues the story of scantily-clad flying girl witches, fighting alien invaders in the 1940s. (Manga promoted the original series with the tag, "War is pants!") Whereas the first series was rated '12' by the BBFC, the second series has been rated '15' for "sexualised nudity."

Manga is also releasing the first box-set of Clannad After Story, the sequel to the original Clannad series. The story continues to follow the fortunes of young man Tomoya and the people in his life.

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