Evangelion: 3.0 Film's Latest Trailer Streamed

posté à par Egan Loo
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Hideaki Anno, Khara's Evangelion Shin Gekijō-ban Q to open on November 17

The niconico streaming service began hosting the latest trailer for Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (Evangelion Shin Gekijō-ban Q), the third film in Hideaki Anno and Khara's four-part remake of Gainax's Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series, on Wednesday.

(To turn off the scrolling comments, select the word balloon icon on the bottom right corner of the video.)

The film will open on November 17.

The trailer is part of a collaboration between the film and the new version, version "Q," of niconico (formerly Nico Nico Douga) that launched on Wednesday in Japanese, English, and Chinese. In Japan, the service is streaming all 26 episodes of the Neon Genesis Evangelion television series in weekly batches from October 25 to December 20.

[Via Minna no Eva Fan]

Update: More background information added.

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