Anime Screenings in Cardiff Saturday

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Screenings include first Berserk film, Ghibli's Poppy Hill, Shinkai's Journey to Agartha.

The Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival will be held in Cardiff on Saturday December 1. The anime films listed below will be shown at the Chapter Arts Centre cinema, directions here. Film tickets can be booked at this page (scroll down).

11 a.m., Cinema 1 - Arrietty

1 p.m., Cinema 2 - Komaneko the Curious Cat (koma Tori Eiga Komaneko) and Komaneko's Christmas (Komaneko no Christmas ~Maigo ni Natta Present~). These are stop-motion films about a kitten character, created by Tsuneo Goda, who also created NHK's famous Domo-kun (Domo) mascot character. After the screening, Goda will appear in a live Q&A session via Skype, along with stop-motion animator Hirokazu Minegishi.

3 p.m., Cinema 1 - Arrietty (second screening of the day)

3.30 p.m., Cinema 2 - Journey to Agartha, aka Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below

6 p.m., Cinema 2 - Berserk: The Golden Age Arc - The Egg of the King

8 p.m. Cinema 1 - From Up On Poppy Hill

A 'Kotatsu' is a table draped by a blanket, futon or quilt with a heater underneath.

Via Anime UK News.

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