Crimson Star Acquires Looking Up at the Half-Moon Anime

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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New anime licensing firm adds 2006 TV romance of 2 hospital patients

New anime licensing company Crimson Star Media announced its first acquisition at Georgia's Seishun-Con on Saturday. The company will stream its premiere title Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora (Looking Up At The Half-Moon) on its website in the future followed by a DVD release on September 27. The DVD will retail for US$29.99 or for US$34.99 with streaming rights included.

Crimson Star is accepting pre-orders through its website. If 275 pre-orders are purchased by August 1 the company will add an English dub with cast commentary and interviews. If 1,000 copies are purchased by December 25, Crimson Star will announce a new license on New Year's Day.

The six-episode television series follows Yuichi, a high school boy hospitalized while he recovers from Hepatitis A. He spends his days escaping from the hospital and giving his nurse a headache. One day, he encounters fellow patient Rika, a bookworm around his age. The two become close but Rika's condition is much more serious than Yuichi's and the couple find their time together is limited.

The series is based on a light novel series by Tsumugu Hashimoto. It inspired the anime adaption ins 2006, a live-action television drama, and a film. BOST Digital Entertainment streamed the television anime series online in Australia and New Zealand in 2007.

Crimson Star Media formed in May by a group of anime fans and fansubbers. The company is currently holding open auditions for English dub background characters via its website. Auditions for primary characters were held at its panel on Saturday.

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