Galilei Donna Anime by Kite's Umetsu to Air on Noitamina

posté à par Egan Loo
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A-1 Pictures animates 3 Galileo descendants, including 1 sister voiced by Rina Hidaka

Fuji TV announced during its Noitamina presentation on Friday that it will air the original anime project Galilei Donna - Storia di tre sorelle a caccia di un mistero this October. Yasuomi Umetsu (Robot Carnival, Mezzo, Kite) is directing at A-1 Pictures (Sword Art Online, Silver Spoon), and Shingo Adachi (Working!!, Sword Art Online) is designing the characters in this one-cours (one quarter of a year) anime.

The story is about "three moons" — three of Italian astronomer Galileo's female descendants who are on international wanted lists. The cast includes Rina Hidaka as the youngest of the three Ferrari sisters, Hozuki Ferrari.

Galilei Donna will air after the first half of the Silver Spoon anime ends, and before the second half of Silver Spoon begins next January.

[Embedded video via NicoTubeAnime]

Update: Title's spelling corrected. Thanks, Nunzia

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