Square Enix to Localize Final Fantasy Agito

posté à par Sarah Nelkin
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Localized Final Fantasy Type-0 not green-lit yet, but in final stages of planning

Final Fantasy Agito producer Hajime Tabata revealed in an interview with website US Gamer that not only will Final Fantasy Agito “definitely” be localized for a Western audience, he is hoping to bring Agito's companion title — Final Fantasy Type-0 — to the West via Sony's PlayStation Network. Although he could not guarantee that the release of Final Fantasy Type-0 would happen, he noted that a complete localization is in the final stages of planning. Square Enix had registered trademarks for the logo and title for Final Fantasy Agito in Europe earlier this week.

The Final Fantasy Agito smartphone game takes place in the world of Final Fantasy Type-0 where players control an Agito candidate foretold to save the world. Players can aim to become an Agito by completing combat missions and deepening their friendships by interacting with NPCs. The fate of the world is reliant on the game's "decision" system where votes of players affect the world's history.

Square Enix plans to release Final Fantasy Agito for iOS and Android phones in Japan this winter.

Source: US Gamer via Siliconera

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