Lupin III: Part III Anime Streamed on Hulu

posté à par Egan Loo
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3rd TV series inspired by Monkey Punch's manga of master thief

TMS Entertainment began streaming the first 20 episodes of the Lupin III: Part III television anime series with English subtitles on Hulu in North America on Friday. This is the first time that these episodes have been available in English in the United States outside the Los Angeles area.

Seijun Suzuki supervised this third television series inspired by Monkey Punch's Lupin III manga, with Yuzo Aoki serving as animation supervisor and one of the technical directors. The titular thief wore a distinctive pink jacket in this 1984-1985 run. The digital television station UTBHollywood aired this series in Southern California in 2010.

Image © YTV, TMS

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