Australia's Madman Entertainment Licenses Karneval Anime

posté à par Egan Loo
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Australian anime distributor Madman Entertainment announced on Wednesday that it licensed the television anime Karneval for DVD, Blu-Ray and digital release, tentatively in next August. Madman is also streaming the anime for free along with another acquired title, Good Luck Girl! Binbogami ga! Funimation streamed Karneval as it aired in Japan this past spring, but has not announced a home video release yet.

Madman Entertainment describes the story:

The circus is deadly in this colourful, gothic action drama

Armed with only an abandoned bracelet as a clue, Nai searches for someone dear to him. After a run in with a pick-pocket named Gareki, the two find themselves involved in a government set-up that leaves them wanted criminals. Desperate and on-the-run, Nai and Gareki turn to the country's most powerful defense organization – “Circus” – for help.

Thanks to WTK for the news tip

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