1st World End Economica Episode by Spice & Wolf's Hasekura Now on Steam

posté à par Crystalyn Hodgkins
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The first episode in Spice and Wolf author Isuna Hasekura's visual novel World End Economica is now available on Steam via Steam's Early Access program. Early Access allows players to purchase and play the game as it is still in development and provide feedback to the developers. The first episode is currently on sale for US$9.74 until May 13. The normal retail price is US$12.99.

Publisher Sekai Project notes that it is developing a new engine to support OSX and Linux as well as other languages. Once Sekai Project switches to the new engine, save progress will be lost, but the company will consider episode 01 to be complete and will work on episodes 02 and 03.

Three visual novels are planned for the series. The first "episode" launched in Japan in 2011 followed by the second episode in 2012 and the third episode in August 2013.

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