Digital Coffin of Cerebrum Release Also Excludes Chapter

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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Digital Manga Publishing confirmed with Anime News Network that its digital release of Masato Tokihara's Coffin of Cerebrum adult manga is also missing one chapter. The company elaborated on its Project-H website (adults only, NSFW) that the chapter titled "Game 4" was removed because of "mainly the shota [underage male character] aspect and the violence towards children."

Our stance is firm in that we do not support violence towards children or child pornography whatsoever. However, we do have an obligation to always try and bring the best books to our fans, uncensored when possible. We consulted with our legal expert regarding whether we can release the chapter as is, or if we can make small adjustments to keep the chapter in, but to still meet our legal and moral obligations. Unfortunately, our legal advisor left us with only two options, and that was to either remove the chapter or not to publish the book at all.

So we contacted our japanese publishing partner and Tokihara Masato-sensei and informed them that we would have to remove the chapter in question to comply with US law. With their knowledge and blessing we proceeded forward with the release of Coffin of Cerebrum. Again, this sort of situation is very rare, and 99% of the time we're able to release our books with very little to no changes to the source material.

The manga arrived early and is available for purchase through Project-H's adults-only website or digitally on e-manga.

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