Kunihiko Ikuhara's 'Penguinbear' Site Starts Countdown

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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Ikuhara and manga artist Akiko Morishima launched the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga in February

Director Kunihiko Ikuhara's "Penguinbear" website started a "cownt down" on Wednesday, beginning with the number 5. The image shows a birthday cake, shots from the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga adaptation, streets, a monitor displaying a screen test image, storyboard sheets, people, and other objects.

The website opened in 2012 with the tagline, "Find it, without getting caught in that transparent storm." Ikuhara and manga artist Akiko Morishima launched the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga in Gentosha Comics' Monthly Comic Birz magazine in February.

The "intellectual fantasy" follows Kureha, a "transparent" high school girl who is plain and is barely noticed by others. Seemingly every night, she has a "dream about a bear and a transparent storm." In this dream, her mysterious classmate Ginko Yurishiro appears in the form of a bear.

Last March, Ikuhara presented brief footage from his new anime project featuring a bear transforming into a girl.

[Via Yuyucow]

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