Space Dandy UK Updates

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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More details of GLASGOW Space Dandy panel, plus Shinichro Watanabe confirmed as guest at MCM London Comic Con.

On its All the Anime site, Anime Limited has made further announcements about the release of Space Dandy in the U.K.

- The MCM Scotland Comic Con (at the SECC in GLASGOW) will feature an hour-long Space Dandy panel session on September 6 at 3.30 p.m., featuring the series director Shingo Natsume.

There will also be two Space Dandy signing sessions at the event (September 6 and 7), at the MCM Signing Area, from 12 noon to 1.30 p.m. on Saturday and 12 noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday. There will be Space Dandy signing cards and postcards, while legitimate series merchandise can also be signed. Items to be signed are limited to one item per person.

The Anime Limited booth (#531) will be selling the Space Dandy Limited Edition Vinyl (20 copies at £18 each), as well as the Attack on Titan soundtrack (£10).

- In addtion, the UK Anime News site notes that Shinichiro Watanabe (Space Dandy's Chief Director, who also directed Cowboy Bebop, Kids on the Slope and this summer's Terror in Resonance) has been confirmed as a guest on the website of MCM London Comic Con, from October 24 to 26. According to the site, he will be available on the Saturday and Sunday of the event.

The title character of the series is Dandy, an alien-hunter. His job is to seek out new aliens never seen before, and receives a reward whenever he finds a new species. His mission is to find those new species faster than anyone else as he travels the galaxy. Together with the bucket-of-bolts robot QT and the dimwit alien Meow he picked up along the way, he comes into contact with new planets and their inhabitants.

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