Idolm@ster Voice Actress Naomi Wakabayashi Announces Pregnancy

posté à par Egan Loo
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Voice of Little Busters!' Kudryavka is 5 months pregnant, but will still attend events

39-year-old voice actress Naomi Wakabayashi announced on Tuesday that she is five months pregnant. She expressed her joy at finally being able to announce the news, and she admitted she could barely enter the announcement text "since the monitor is so blurry [from my tears]." She is going on maternity leave, but she assured her fans that she looks forward to seeing them at the Tottori Anikaru Matsuri 2014 event on October 26 and other events.

Wakabayashi plays Ritsuko Akizuki in The IDOLM@STER game and anime franchise. Her other roles include Kudryavka Noumi in Little Busters!, Yuuzuru Oozora in Medarot Damashii, Suzu in The Twelve Kingdoms, Sheska in Fullmetal Alchemist and Kawashiro-sensei in Hanamaru Kindergarten.

[Via 0takomu]

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