Ace Combat Infinity's Area 88 Aircraft Also Available Overseas

posté à par Lynzee Loveridge
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Shin's F-20A & F-5E, Mickey's F-14A, Greg's A-10A, Kim's AV-8B from manga

Namco Bandai Games announced it will offer its Area 88 manga-inspired aircraft for Ace Combat Infinity overseas players. The PlayStation 3 game will include aircraft from Kaoru Shintani's classic aerial mercenary manga for players who accomplish certain mission criteria during the campaign period. A release date with the new missions and planes will be announced for overseas players in the future.

The campaign will run from October 3-14 in Japan and includes Shin Kazama's F-20A and F-5E, Mickey Simon's F-14A, Greg Gates' A-10A, and Kim Aba's AV-8B. The video below covers some of the special missions added in the update:

Both Eclipse Comics and Viz Media published the manga in North America. The manga inspired an original video anime (OVA) series as well as a television anime series. Central Park Media released the OVA series, and ADV Films released both anime series. The manga also inspired several games, including an arcade shooter that CAPCOM released overseas as U.N. Squadron.

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