Final Fantasy Legends Smartphone Game's Jump Festa Trailer Streamed

posté à par Sarah Nelkin
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Lia performs theme song for smartphone game being released this winter

Square Enix began streaming the Jump Festa 2015 promotional video for its upcoming Final Fantasy Legends: Jikū no Suishō (Final Fantasy Legends: Crystal of Space-Time) smartphone game on Sunday. The video features the game's main theme song, "Timeless Tomorrow" by Lia.

Text: A new Final Fantasy story that crosses time
Text: The legend will now cross space-time
Text: A boy who seeks adventure - Tomorrow
Quote: "It might be just the past to you, Aemo... But to me, it's the future!"
Text: The girl who lose her memories - Emo
Quote: I... Came to know this song. By meeting Tomorrow, and everyone else...!"
Text: An trustworthy adventurer who travels the world - Wrieg
Quote: "To go on an adventure, or hang around without doing anything. How you use your time is all up to you.
Tomorrow: Whoa!!
Text: Visit all of the time-space... Go on a journey that ties together the past and the future!

Takashi Tokita (Final Fantasy IV game design) is working on the game as general director, and Naoshi Mizuta will serve as the sound composer. The story of the game revolves around characters that have crossed space and time to come together and adventure. The staff mentioned at a press conference last month that the concept for the game is similar to Chrono Trigger, and is supposed to give the player the nostalgia of the later days of the Super Nintendo system's games. The game's main story will be made so it is completely free to play through.

The game is scheduled to begin service this winter.

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