Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge Game Streams Promo

posté à par Egan Loo
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Yōko Hikasa narrates as Houki with Minami Kuribayashi's opening theme from PS3/Vita game

MAGES.' 5pb. Games began streaming a promotional movie for its Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge game on Thursday. The video features the opening theme song "Overflowing" by Minami Kuribayashi and narration by Yōko Hikasa as Houki Shinonono.

The game will ship for PS Vita and PlayStation 3 on September 3, after being previously slated for July 30.

The game will allow players to forge a relationship with the game's heroines to trigger new events. It also features a "communication mode", where the player can massage the heroines. If performed well, the heroines reward the player, and raise his "Braveheart Points," but if he fails, he loses Points and is punished.

Houki Shinonono's sister Tabane makes an appearance in the game.

The game will retail for 6,800 yen (around US$57), but it will also have a limited edition release for 9,800 yen (around US$82), and a digital downloadable version for 6,000 yen (around US$50). The limitd edition will add an SD figure of Laura Bodewig in black cat pajamas and the game original soundtrack. The first copies of the game will include product codes to download PlayStation 3 "sexy bunny" and PS Vita "pretty poodle" costumes.

The game was originally announced last December in the 5pb. booth at Comic Market 87.

The Infinite Stratos 2: Love and Purge game is based on the Infinite Stratos 2 television anime series, the second of two series that adapted Izuru Yumizuru's original Infinite Stratos light novel series. The second season premiered in 2013, and Crunchyroll streamed the series as it aired. Sentai Filmworks and Section23 Films released the first anime season in North America, and the companies released the second season on home video on December 9.

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