Full Metal Panic Blu-ray Details

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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'Ultimate Edition' will include first season, Fumoffu and The Second Raid

Anime Limited has confirmed details for its upcoming Blu-ray 'Ultimate Edition' of the Full Metal Panic! franchise. The set will contain the original season (three discs), as well as the sequels Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (two discs) and Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (two discs). The Second Raid will include the '000' and OVA episodes.

The set will also include a 76-page hardback artbook 'containing materials categorised by characters, the Arm Slaves (aka mecha) and location settings organised to be a compendium of the franchise as a whole rather than simply focusing on each season.'

The release will be packed in a rigid box, with a foam-backed inner rigid case containing three Blu-ray amaray cases.

According to Anime Limited, 'Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu is exclusive to this Ultimate Edition Blu-ray release, and will not be available individually in the UK at a later date. We are exploring making Season 1 and The Second Raid available individually in some form at a later date, but we have no time frame on if/when this might be.'

The set is due in December, exact date TBC.

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