Toonami to Co-Produce 2 New FLCL Seasons (Updated)

posté à par Karen Ressler
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12 episodes will be a sequel to 2000-2001 OVA

The official Facebook for Adult Swim's Toonami block announced on Thursday that it will co-produce 12 new episodes of FLCL with Production I.G. The 12 episodes will be a sequel to the 2000-2001 original video anime, and will be split into two seasons. The show is slated for late 2017 to early 2018.

Adult Swim describes the new seasons' story:

In the new season of FLCL, many years have passed since Naota and Haruhara Haruko shared their adventure together. Meanwhile, the war between the two entities known as Medical Mechanica and Fraternity rages across the galaxy. Enter Hidomi, a young teenaged girl who believes there is nothing amazing to expect from her average life, until one day when a new teacher named Haruko arrives at her school. Soon enough, Medical Mechanica is attacking her town and Hidomi discovers a secret within her that could save everyone, a secret that only Haruko can unlock.

But why did Haruko return to Earth? What happened to her Rickenbacker 4001 she left with Naota? And where did the human-type robot ‘Canti’ go?

Production I.G announced in August that it had acquired the rights to the FLCL anime, and mentioned it would use the rights for a "new anime remake" and other ventures.

Synch-Point and later Funimation have released the anime in North America. Funimation describes the story:

Naota is a detached sixth-grader afflicted by the pangs of puberty. He's fooling around with his brother's ex-girlfriend when a crazed girl on a motor scooter runs him over, brains him with a bass guitar, and moves into his house. She says she's an alien, and hurls Naota into the middle of a mega-corporation's secret agenda. And now giant battling robots shoot from his skull when he has naughty thoughts.

The anime is the first directorial effort from Kazuya Tsurumaki, who served as assistant director on the Neon Genesis Evangelion television anime and would go on to direct the new Evangelion films. Production I.G notes that the dubbed versions of the anime have been popular overseas, particularly in North America where it ran on television. Kadokawa Shoten's Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko novelized the story, and Kodansha's Monthly Magazine Z adapted the story into manga as the anime was being released. It won the third place in Canada's Fantasia Film Festival in 2003.

Update: Story information, premiere time frame added

Thanks to Rukiia for the news tip.

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