Final Fantasy XV Event Video Teases Announcements

posté à par Jennifer Sherman
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Square Enix to reveal game's release date at Los Angeles event on March 30

Square Enix began streaming a teaser video on Friday for the "Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV" event. The video confirms that the event will reveal details of the Final Fantasy XV game's release, including release date and unannounced content.

Game director Hajime Tabata and marketing manager Akio Ofuji revealed in January that the game is close to a stage where Square Enix can announce the release date. Square Enix plans to announce the release date at the "Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV" event at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on March 30 at 10:00 p.m. EDT. Additionally, Square Enix will reveal the game's price, what will come with the game, and the name and details of the upcoming playable tech demo.

Square Enix will stream the event live online on YouTube and Twitch. The stream will be available in English, Japanese, German, and French. Greg Miller and Tim Gettys of the YouTube channel Kinda Funny will host the event.

Square Enix plans to release Final Fantasy XV for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2016. The game will launch worldwide simultaneously.

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