Ange Vierge TV Anime's Promo Video Introduces Alternate World Fantasy

posté à par Egan Loo
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The official website for the television anime of Kadokawa and Sega's Ange Vierge trading card game began streaming an advance promotional video on Monday.

Text: This world is trying to be lost.
Text: The blue world we live on: Earth.
Text: The black world that controls the night and magic: Darkness Embrace.
Text: The red world that is protected by the gods: Terra Libri Aurora.
Text: The gate that served as the portal, and the five worlds it connected to.
Text: The white world controlled by science and brain waves: System White Egma.
Text: The green world governed by weapons and military: Glynnesert.
Text: It was then that a group of girls with special powers called "Progress" awakened to their powers, called "Exceed."
Text: Because I just know we have more possibilities than this...
Text: Human from the blue world: Saya Sōgetsu
Text: Then I'll be your elder sister!
Text: Vampire from the black world: Almaria
Text: OK! I'm gonna make lots of friends!
Text: Angel from the red world: Elel
Text: That's why I'm calculating my maximum capacity for speed at my strength.
Text: Android from the white world: CodeΩ77Stella
Text: What a pain. Life's not just about a mission you know.
Text: Soldier from the green world: Nya Lapucea
Text: The girls were gathered in the giant academy city "Aoran Academy."
Text: And meet each other.
Text: There is one more α Driver who leads the Progress...
Text: α Driver: Amane Ayashiro
Text: The girls who protect the world Text: Aoran Academy student council president: Miumi Hinata
Text: The extremely logical black witch: Sofina
Text: With the powers the girls obtain, they stand up against the end of the world.
Narrator: Ange Vierge. TV anime starting broadcasts in July 2016.

Two Kadokawa brands, Fujimi Shobo and Media Factory, released the Ange Vierge trading card game in 2013. The story of the card game follows what happens when "Hairō" portals suddenly open, fusing three different worlds together. As a result, various mysterious "Exceed" powers are awakened in teenaged girls. An academy for these so-called "Progress" girls is built on the isolated Seiran Island in the Pacific.

The cast includes:

  • Sarah Emi Bridcutt as Nya Lapucea
  • Yumi Hara as Almaria
  • Aki Toyosaki as Elel
  • Minako Kotobuki as Saya Sōgetsu
  • Rika Tachibana as Code Omega 77 Stella
  • Yūka Aisaka as Miumi Hinata
  • Mai Ishihara as Sofina
  • Yoshiko Ikuta as Ruby
  • Rie Takahashi as Code Omega 00 Yufilia
  • Nozomi Yamamoto as Mayuka Sanagi
  • Yukari Tamura as Amane Ayashiro

Masafumi Tamura (Modern Magic Made Simple, SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation) is making his directorial debut with the series, and is also designing the characters. Silver Link (Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Non Non Biyori) is producing the animation. Katsuhiko Takayama (ef: a tale of memories, Ga-Rei-Zero, Aldnoah.Zero) is in charge of series composition, and is also penning the scripts. Ryōka, Akio Watanabe (Poyoyon Rock), Kurone Mishima, Tsunako, and Shunsaku Tomose are credited for original character design.

Konomi Suzuki posted on Twitter that she will perform the anime's opening theme song, titled "Love is MY RAIL." Aki Hata wrote the song's lyrics, and Yūsuke Shirato composed and arranged the song. The song's single CD is slated for release on August 3.

Amazon is also listing that the ending theme song will be titled "Link with U," and the single will ship on August 10. Voice actress unit L.I.N.K.s will perform the ending theme, and Elements Garden is composing the song. L.I.N.K.s is made up of Yuka Aisaka, Mai Ishihara, Yoshiko Ikuta, Rie Takahashi, and Nozomi Yamamoto.

The television series will premiere in July.

Two Kadokawa brands, Fujimi Shobo and Media Factory, released the Ange Vierge trading card game in 2013. The story of the card game follows what happens when "Hairō" portals suddenly open, fusing three different worlds together. As a result, various mysterious "Exceed" powers are awakened in teenaged girls. An academy for these so-called "Progress" girls is built on the isolated Seiran Island in the Pacific.

Images © Ange Project

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