Sadako vs. Kayako Film's Ad Highlights Conflict Between Antagonists

posté à par Rafael Antonio Pineda
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Ring/Ju-on crossover film premieres on June 18

Kadokawa Films began streaming a commercial for the Sadako vs. Kayako horror film on Thursday. The video highlights the conflict between the two film antagonists, and also previews Sekima II's "Noroi no Sha.Na.Na.Na" theme song.

The film will open in Japan on June 18. The movie's cast includes:

The film brings together the iconic horror film characters Sadako from Kadokawa's Ring franchise and Kayako from NBCUniversal's Ju-on franchise. Kōji Shiraishi (The Curse, A Record of Sweet Murder) is directing the film.

The latest film in the Ju-on series, Ju-on: The Final, opened in Japan last June. The film was marketed as the "final" film in the series. The first film in the series received a Hollywood remake in 2004, and had two sequel films. Sam Raimi is producing a planned reboot of the films.

The Ring horror film franchise is based on Koji Suzuki's novel of the same name. The franchise has received five films, as well as the two Sadako 3D films. The first film received a Hollywood remake in 2002, and had two sequels. A new Hollywood film titled Rings is in production, and it will open on October 28 after being delayed from on April 1.

The website of Ju-on: The Final previously ran an April Fools joke on its website last year that promoted a then non-existant "Sadako vs. Kayako" crossover film.

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