Anime Limited To Release Turn A Gundam on Blu-ray

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Follows announcement of US Right Stuf edition

UK Anime Network reports that Anime Limited has confirmed it will release Turn A Gundam on Blu-ray in early 2017. (The series was confirmed for a US Blu-ray release by Right Stuf at the Otakon convention last weekend.)

Right Stuf describes Turn A Gundam as follows:

For 2000 years, a separate race of humanity has lived on the moon. Known as "the Moonrace," their technology is leaps and bounds beyond those that stayed behind on the Earth's surface. Now seeking to return to their original home, the Moonrace send three teenagers, Loran, Keith, and Fran, down to Earth on a reconnaissance mission to test the viability of its environment.

After spending a year on Earth, Loran has become good friends with Sochie and Kihel, daughters of the prestigious Heim family, and he looks forward to fully integrating into Earth society. But before Loran gets the chance to make his report, the Moonrace launch a surprise attack. Earth's primitive airplanes are no match for the superior power of the Moonrace's mobile suits. However, in the midst of the initial attack, Loran and Sochie uncover a long-forgotten relic: a white mobile suit. As a Moonrace, Loran is quickly able to grasp the basics of piloting it, but by doing so, he inadvertently places himself in the middle of a war.

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