Seven Seas Licenses Fauna and the Dragonewt's Seven Kingdoms Manga

posté à par Karen Ressler
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Fantasy manga follows dragon archaeologist, human girl

Seven Seas Entertainment announced on Monday that it has licensed Kiyohisa Tanaka's Fauna and the Dragonewts' Seven Kingdoms (Ryuu no Nanakuni to Minashigo no Fana) manga. The first single volume is slated for a print release on January 16, 2018.

Seven Seas describes the story:

In a fantastical future, humans are no longer the dominant species–dragons have evolved to become rulers of the world we once knew. One day, an archaeologist from the Dragonewt race who's fascinated with his studies of the past finds a young human girl. He decides to adopt her, giving her the name Fauna, and together they explore their magical world of the Seven Kingdoms.

The manga has been running on the Alterna pixiv web magazine since September. Mag Garden published the first compiled volume on March 10.

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