UP AME Hosts Manga Creator Harumo Sanazaki in Talk Event at U.P.

posté à par Rafael Antonio Pineda
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June 2 event to also screen Sanazaki's film adaptation of Hamlet with puppets

The University of the Philippines Anime and Manga Enthusiasts (UP AME) student organization announced on Monday that it will host manga creator Harumo Sanazaki as one of the guests of its "Shakespeare in Anime and Manga" talk series. The event will take place at the University of the Philippines' Melchor Hall in Quezon City on June 2 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m, and the event will also screen Sanazaki's Hamlet film.

Other guests include Prof. Ryuta Minami of Tokyo Keizai University, Prof. Yukari Yoshihara of University of Tsukuba, and Dr. Tetsuya Motohashi as discussant.

Sanazaki is a prolific manga creator, who has created such manga as The London Game, Love Dances in the Night, and Angel Wars.

Her one-hour film adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet featuring dolls debuted in Denmark in April 2016, and made its Japanese premiere at the University of Tsukuba in November 2016. Sanazaki produced and scripted the film, and Yūichi Abe directed the film. Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Seki, and Takehito Koyasu voiced the characters Hamlet, Horatio, and Laertes, respectively.

Source: UP AME Facebook Page via AnimePH

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