Screen Anime Online Festival Launches Today

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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First line-up includes Promare, Penguin Highway, Patema Inverted, The Wings of Honneamise, and TBC TV series

The online anime film festival Screen Anime is due to launch on Monday May 25 at 6 p.m. The press release describes the event as an "online film festival from Anime Limited offering a curated selection of four films, one TV series and more unique benefits each month for only £3.98 per month or for a reduced £39.98 per year." The annual Festival Pass comes with "a physical membership card that can unlock exclusive benefits like discounts on Anime Limited's online store."

The festival will be launched on Monday 25 May, with the following five anime available until 25 June:

Promare - including a bonus, the 10-minute prequel film Side Story Lio.

Penguin Highway - including a bonus, interview with the original author Tomihiko Morimi.

Patema Inverted - including alternate angles as a bonus.

The Wings of Honneamise - bonus content TBC.

TV Series - Title TBC

The festival will be on and a three-day free trial will be available from May 25. Apps for TVos, iOS, Android & Amazon will follow over the coming months.

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