Magic Knight Rayearth Released Monday

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Also second volume of The Rising of The Shield Hero and collected first season of Black Clover

On Monday July 27, Anime Limited will release the first volume of the 1994 TV series Magic Knight Rayearth. It will include the 27-part first season and a 20-page art booklet, including artwork created for the series.

Anime Limited summarises the series:

"Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki, and Fuu Hououji are three regular high school girls. While on a field trip to the Tokyo Tower, the three girls' minds are on anything but different worlds filled with magic and wonder. That is, until Princess Emeraude, the Pillar of Cephiro, cries out for the Magic Knights to save her world – and that just happens to be those three!

"The girls must learn to control the magic they suddenly possess, drive back the monsters that plague the land, revive the Rune Gods that have been sealed away, and then fight against the High Priest Zagato, who has kidnapped Princess Emeraude. It's the only way they can return home, for willpower influences Cephiro, and it is the Princess's will that the three girls become the Magic Knights of legend, and save her world."

Manga Entertainment will release the second volume of The Rising of The Shield Hero as a Collector's Blu-ray/DVD, a Blu-ray and DVD.

Manga Entertainment will also release a collected edition of the first season of Black Clover, carrying the first 51 episodes of the series, on Blu-ray and DVD.

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