Violet Evergarden Blu-ray Delayed by Quality Issues

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Email sent to customers who ordered Violet Evergarden, says title may be reauthored

UK Anime Network reports that customers who ordered Anime Limited's Blu-ray of Violet Evergarden directly from the company have received the following email.

"We know many of you were looking forward to receiving shipping notifications imminently for this series - however it's been brought to our attention that the video quality is not up to our usual standards for a release.

As a result we're pausing the release to work with a specialist authoring house to look at the masters and see if we can improve them. Assuming the answer is yes, we'll get the disc reauthored and replaced in the set as soon as we can before shipping your order to you.

Anime Limited remains committed to delivering the best possible edition on first release we can, which is why we're delaying it not just shipping then offering a replacement scheme.

As soon as we've evaluated the video masters vs the Blu-Rays, we'll update again on timeframes."

The Amazon UK website is currently listing the Violet Evergarden Blu-ray for April 26.

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