Stop-Motion Junk Head Will Be Released in U.K. and Ireland Cinemas on Monday

posté à par Andrew Osmond
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Entire stop-motion film was created by one man, Takahide Hori

Anime Limited will release JUNK HEAD, a 2021 stop-motion animated feature film created by Takahide Hori, in UK and Ireland cinemas on Monday April 24. Venue details and booking links are at and the film is described by Anime Limited as follows:

"In a dystopian future, humanity has attained longevity at the cost of its ability to reproduce. An artificial species was created to counteract the resulting dwindling workforce, until it revolted and formed its own subterranean society. When humanity is ravaged by a virus, a lone human is sent into the depths below to investigate the secrets of how this new species procreates, only to discover the monstrous ways they have evolved…

"A film seven years in the making and told over 140,000 shots, JUNK HEAD was created almost entirely by director Takahide Hori, who was responsible for everything from composing the film's score, to sculpting the puppets and designing the sets! JUNK HEAD started life as a short film that was celebrated by Academy Award-winning director Guillermo del Toro as a 'one-man band of deranged brilliance,' and has won awards including the Cigogne d'or prize for animated film at the 2021 Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival."

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